Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Wednesday already? Impossible! On Monday I went to the opening of the renovated & newly sited STARBECK LIBRARY - yes, opened with immediate threat of closure over it - and heard the djembe drummers from STARBECK PRIMARY SCHOOL playing enthusiastically to the gathered crowd. Well done, all of you!

Tuesday was a treat as - thanks to kind staff & librarians - I was able to hear SAVIOUR PIROTTA talk to Year 8 students at a local high school. When you spend lots of time doing sessions alone, other than with your audiences, it was a real pleasure to sit back and wallow in someone esle's words and ideas. Great tales, Saviour!

Then today, up early for a drive to FRAMWELLMOOOR GATE PRIMARY SCHOOL, Durham. Far more traffic than expected on the way up and harder to find than I'd have liked despite my maps & satnav! Oh dear!

Caught up with my slightly later start by running straight through until lunchtime, and the afternoon was mostly on schedule. So greetings to everyone from the morning and afternoon Nursery sessions, and to Reception and the Year 1 & 2 Classes. Had a lovely time sharing some enjoyable stories and books with you, so THANK YOU ALL! (And I must be much healthier after walking so far between all your classrooms.)

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