Hey ho for the holidays! Have been busy enjoying some time away. Down to Oxford, partly to look at the Ashmolean Museum, including the new extension. Spent almost whole day pottering between this and that/ Especially liked the Money gallery - which slightly surprised me as a theme until I reflected on the fact that coins and notes are slowly becoming plastic currency - and all the oddities in the Ark of the Ashmolean) and the Mogul elephant paintings and the Pre-Raphaelite Room. And an early evening meal on the rooftop terrace, watching a ballon ascending at sunset. Followed by a few days in the Isle of White, one of which was spent on a golden beach helping two small people to learn to jump over and even into waves.
Now I'm home and starting to wonder what tales I should tell on Tuesday 17th August for my Wise, Wierd and Wonderful storytelling session at Knaresborough Library for the feva festival